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姓名 孔彦龙 性别:
职称 研究员 学位 博士
电话 010-82998611 传真: 010-62010846
Email: ylkong@mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编: 100029
地址 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所

English页岩气与地质工程院重点实验室 水文地质与地热资源



  • 2011.09 - 2013.06 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 地质工程(水文地质) 博士
  • 2008.09 - 2011.06 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 地质工程(水文地质) 硕士
  • 2004.09 - 2008.06 吉林大学(原长春地质学院) 勘查技术与工程(水文地质与环境地质)学士


  • 2023.12至今 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 研究员
  • 2016.01 - 2023.12 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 副研究员
  • 2014.02 - 2016.01 德国亥姆霍兹环境研究中心 博士后
  • 2013.06 - 2016.01 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 博士后


  1. 建立了可用于地热田优化开采评估的模拟计算方法
  2. 建立了深井换热的定量模型
  3. 改进了降水形成条件评估计算的模型
  4. 基于同位素径流分割评估冰川河流域水资源变化
  5. 揭示了青藏高原冰川区地下水补给的季节性差异

  1. 热储工程 
  2. 水同位素与水文气象 
  3. 气候变化对水资源的影响
  1. 国家重点研发计划子课题(2018YFB1501801-1):共和盆地干热岩成因机制
  2. 国家自然科学基金新疆联合基金(U1703122):基于同位素的策勒河流域蒸散发分割及水汽再循环研究
  3. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目(91647101):澜沧江典型冰川河流域径流分割及其对气候变化敏感性的同位素示踪研究
  4. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(41402237):北京市大气降水同位素与水汽源构成研究;
  5. 中国博士后科学基金博士后派出计划(20130019):雄县地热田地热资源可持续利用评估
  6. 中国博士后科学基金一等资助(2013M540138):冰川河径流量对气候变化敏感性分析的同位素方法
2012  中国科学院“院长优秀奖”

Google Scholar


  1. Kong, Y., Wang, K., Pu, T & Shi, X. (2019). Non-monsoon precipitation dominates groundwater recharge beneath a monsoon affected glacier in Tibetan Plateau, J. Geophys.Res. Atmos., doi: 10.1029/2019JD030492
  2. Kong, Y., Wang, K., Li, J. & Pang, Z. (2019). Stable Isotopes of Precipitation in China: A Consideration of Moisture Sources, Water, 11, 1239; doi:10.3390/w11061239
  3. Zhao, L., Liu, X., Wang, N., Kong, Y., Song, Y., He, Z, Liu, Q., Wang, L. (2019). Contribution of recycled moisture to local precipitation in the inland Heihe River Basin, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 271, 316-335.
  4. Chen, C., Shao, H., Naumov, D., Kong, Y., Tu, K., Kolditz, O. (2019). Numerical investigation on the performance, sustainability, and efficiency of the deep borehole heat exchanger system for building heating, Geothermal Energy, 7: 18, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40517-019-0133-8


  1. Li J., Pang, Z., Kong, Y., Wang, S., Bai, G., Zhao, H., Zhou, D., Sun, F. & Yang, Z. (2018). Groundwater isotopes biased toward heavy rainfall events and implications on the local meteoric water line. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 2018. 123, 6259–6266.
  2. Tian, J., Pang, Z., Guo, Q., Wang, Y., Li, J., Huang, T., Kong, Y. (2018). Geochemistry of geothermal fluids with implications on the sources of water and heat recharge to the Rekeng high-temperature geothermal system in the Eastern Himalayan Syntax, Geothermics, 74, 92-105.
  3. Lu, L., Pang, Z., Kong, Y., Guo, Q., Wang, Y., Xu, C., Gu, W., Zhou, L., Yu, D. (2018). Geochemical and isotopic evidence on the recharge and circulation of geothermal water in the Tangshan Geothermal System near Nanjing, China: implications for sustainable development. Hydrogeology Journal, 26, 1705-1719.
  4. Pang, Z., Kong, Y., Shao, H., Kolditz, O. (2018). Progress and perspectives of geothermal energy studies in China: from shallow to deep systems, Environmental Earth Science, 77: 580. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-018-7757-z
  5. Pang, J., Pang, Z., Lv M, Tian, J., Kong, Y. (2018). Geochemical and isotopic characteristics of fluids in the Niutuozhen geothermal field, North China, Environmental Earth Science, 77: 12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-017-7171-y.



  1. Kong, Y., Chen, C., Shao, H., Pang, Z., Xiong, L. and Wang, J. (2017) Principle and capacity quantification of deep-borehole heat exchangers. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 60(12), 4741-4752.
    孔彦龙, 陈超凡, 邵亥冰, 庞忠和, 熊亮萍, 汪集暘. (2017) 深井换热技术原理及其换热量评估, 地球物理学报, 60(12), 4741-4752.
  2. Kong, Y. and Pang, Z. (2017). What is the primary factor controlling trend of Glacier No. 1 runoff in the Tianshan Mountains: temperature or precipitation change?, Hydrology Research, 48(1), 231-239,
  3. Kong, Y., Pang, Z., Shao, H. and Kolditz, O. (2017). Optimization of well-doublet placement in geothermal reservoirs using numerical simulation and economic analysis, Environ Earth Sci, 76:118
  4. Kong, Y., Pang, Z., Pang. J., Wang, Y. and Yang, F. (2017) Stable isotopes of deep groundwater in the Xiongxian geothermal field, 15th Water-Rock Interaction International Symposium (WRI), 17, 512-515.


  1. Kong, Y. and Pang, Z. (2016). A positive altitude gradient of isotopes in the precipitation over the Tianshan Mountains: Effects of moisture recycling and sub-cloud evaporation, Journal of Hydrology, 542,222-230.


  1. Li, J. Pang, Z., Froehlich, K., Huang, T., Kong, Y., Song, W. and Yun, H. (2015) Paleo-environment from isotopes and hydrochemistry of groundwater in East Junggar Basin, Northwest China, Journal of Hydrology, 529, 650-661. 
  2. Li, J., Tao. T., Pang, Z., Tan, M., Kong, Y., Duan, W. and Zhang, Y. (2015) Identification of Different Moisture Sources through Isotopic Monitoring during a Storm Event, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 16, 1918–1927. 
  3. Chen, C., B?rnick, H., Cai, Q., Dai, X., J?hnig, S., Kong Y., Krebs, P., Kuenzer, C., Kunst-mann, H., Liu, Y., Nixdorf, E., Pang, Z., Rode, M., Schueth, C., Song, Y., Yue, T., Zhou, K., Zhang, J. and Kolditz, O. (2015): Challenges and opportunities of German-Chinese cooperation in water science and technology. Environ Earth Sci., 73: 4861-4871. 
  4. Kong, Y., Pang, Z., Pang, J., Luo, L., Luo, J., Shao, H. and Kolditz, O. (2015) Deep groundwater cycle in Xiongxian geothermal field, Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia, April, 19 -25. 


  1. Li, J. Pang, Z., Kong, Y., Zhou, M. and Huang, T. (2014) Contrasting seasonal distribution of stable isotopes and deuterium excess in precipitation over China, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 23, 2074-2085. 
  2. Kong, Y., Pang, Z., Shao, H., Hu, S. and Kolditz, O., (2014) Recent studies on hydrothermal systems in China: a review. Geothermal Energy, 2014, 2:19. 
  3. Kong, Y. and Pang, Z. (2014) Statistical analysis of stream discharge in response to climate change for Urumqi river catchment, Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia, Quaternary International, 336, 44-51. 
  4. Kong, Y., Pang, Z., Li, J. and Huang, T. (2014) Seasonal variations of water isotopes in the Kumalak River catchments, Western Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 23(1), 169-174, 2014. 
  5. Kong, Y.* and Pang, Z. (2014) A comparative study of single factor method and multivariate statistical methods for surface water quality assessment, Water Policy, 16(1), 157 - 167, 2014. 


  1. Kong, Y., Pang, Z. and Froehlich, K. (2013) Quantifying recycled moisture fraction in precipitation of an arid region using deuterium excess, Tellus 65B, 19251, doi: 10.3402/tellusb.v65i0.19251. 
  2. Pang, Z., Yuan, L., Huang, T., Kong, Y., Liu, J. and Li, Y., (2013). Impacts of Human Activities on the Occurrence of Groundwater Nitrate in an Alluvial Plain: A Multiple Isotopic Tracers Approach, Journal of Earth Science, 24 (1), 111-124. 
  3. Huang, T., Pang, Z., Chen, Y., Kong, Y. (2013) Groundwater circulation relative to water quality and vegetation in an arid transitional zone linking oasis, desert and river. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58 (25), 3088-3097. 
  4. Pang, Z., Kong, Y., Li, Y. and Li, J., (2013) Water-Rock Interaction in CO2 Sequestration in a Depleted Oil Reservoir Pilot Test, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 7, 656-659. 


  1. Kong, Y. and Pang, Z., (2012) Evaluating the Sensitivity of Glacier Rivers to Climate Change based on Hydrograph Separation of Discharge, Journal of Hydrology, (434–435): 121–129. 
  2. 李义曼, 庞忠和, 李捷, 孔彦龙. (2012) 二氧化碳咸水层封存和利用. 科技导报, 30(19): 70-79. 
  3. 汪集旸, 胡圣标, 庞忠和, 何丽娟, 赵平, 朱传庆, 饶松, 唐晓音, 孔彦龙, 罗璐, 李卫卫 (2012) 中国大陆干热岩地热资源潜力评估, 科技导报, 30(32), 25-31. 


  1. Pang, Z., Kong, Y., Froehlich, K., Huang, T., Yuan, L., Li, Z. and Wang, F. (2011) Processes affecting isotopes in precipitation of an arid region, Tellus, 63B, 352-359, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2011.00532.x. 
  2. Kong, Y. and Pang, Z. (2011) Isotope hydrograph separation in alpine catchments: a review, Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 3(1): 0086-0091. 


  1. 孔彦龙, 庞忠和. (2010) 高寒流域同位素径流分割研究进展. 冰川冻土, 32(3): 619-625. 
  2. 刘记来, 庞忠和, 王素芬, 孔彦龙, 周俊. (2010). 近30年来降水量变化和人类活动对北京潮白河冲洪积扇地下水动态的影响. 第四纪研究, 30(1), 138-144.

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