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Associate Professor
Special-Term Associate Professor
Professor of Engineering
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Yu You
  Associate Professor
Highest Education  
Subject Categories  
  Space Physics
Zip Code  
  No.19 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China

Education and Appointments:
  • 2007, B.E. (Information and Computing Sciences), North China Electric Power University
  • 2013, Ph.D. (Space Physics), Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2013. 6 – 2015. 12, Post-doctor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2016. 1 – present, Associate professor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Research Interests:
  1. Modeling the upper atmosphere based on the eigen modes 
  2. Atmosphere-ionosphere coupling
Public Services:


Supported Projects:
  1. A mechanism study of midlatitude Es formation based on meteor radar and ionosonde chain along 120° E meridian, NSFC project 
  2. Seasonal variations of MLT tides revealed by a meteor radar chain based on HMD analysis, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project 
  3. Seasonal variation of the mid-latitude sporadic E, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project 
  4. Tidal Mapping from observations of a meteor radar chain, Project Supported by the Specialized Research Fund for State Key Laboratories

  1. Yu, Y., W. Wan, Z. Ren, B. Xiong, Y. Zhang, L. Hu, B. Ning, and L. Liu (2015), Seasonal variations of MLT tides revealed by a meteor radar chain based on Hough mode decomposition, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 120, 7030–7048. 
  2. Yu, Y., W. Wan, B. Xiong, Z. Ren, B. Zhao, Y. Zhang, B. Ning, and L. Liu (2015), Modeling Chinese ionospheric layer parameters based on EOF analysis, Space Weather, 13, 339–355. 
  3. Yu, Y., W. Wan, B. Ning, L. Liu, Z. Wang, L. Hu, and Z. Ren (2013), Tidal wind mapping from observations of a meteor radar chain in December 2011, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 118, 2321–2332. 
  4. Yu, Y., W. Wan, B. Zhao, Y. Chen, B. Xiong, L. Liu, J. Liu, Z. Ren, and M. Li (2013), Modeling the global NmF2 from the GNSS-derived TEC-GIMs, Space Weather, 11, 272–283.  
  5. 余优, 万卫星, 刘立波等 (2009). 全球电离层TEC起伏特性分析. 地球物理学报, 52(9): 21892194. 
  6. Yu Y., Wan W X, Liu L B, et al (2009). A global ionospheric TEC perturbation index. Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese), 52(9): 21892194. 
  7. Xiong, B., W. Wan, B. Ning, F. Ding, L. Hu, and Y. Yu (2014), A statistic study of ionospheric solar flare activity indicator, Space Weather, 12(1), 29-40.  
  8. Xiong, B., W. Wan, B. Zhao, Y. Yu, Y. Wei, Z. Ren, and J. Liu (2014), Response of the American equatorial and lowlatitude ionosphere to the X1. 5 solar flare on 13 September 2005, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, 10, 336-10,347. 
  9. Li, X., Wan, W., Yu, Y., Ren, Z. (2015), Yearly variations of the stratospheric tides seen in the CFSR reanalysis data, Advances in Space Research, 56(9), 1822-1832.  
  10. Zhang, Y., Liu, L., Chen, Y., Liu, J., Yu, Y., & Li, M. (2015). Nighttime electron density enhancements at middle and low latitudes in East Asia. Science China Earth Sciences, 58(4), 551-561. 
  11. Yao, X., Yu, T., Zhao, B., Yu, Y., Liu, L., Ning, B., & Wan, W. (2015). Climatological modeling of horizontal winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over a mid-latitude station in China. Advances in Space Research, 56(7), 1354-1365.
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